10 Signs Labor is Just Around the Corner
By: Dave J On:5 February 2024

Key indicators labor is approaching.
The Countdown Begins: 10 Signs Labor is Just Around the Corner
The final weeks of pregnancy are a time of anticipation and excitement, as expectant parents eagerly await the arrival of their new baby. Recognizing the signs of labor can help parents-to-be feel more prepared for the big day. While every pregnancy is unique, certain signs indicate labor is imminent. Here are ten signs that suggest labor is just around the corner.
1. The Baby Drops
One of the first signs labor is near is when the baby "drops," also known as lightening. This occurs when the baby moves lower into the pelvis, preparing for birth. Expectant mothers might notice it's easier to breathe and less pressure on their ribcage, but more pressure in the pelvic area.
2. Increased Back Pain
Many women experience back pain throughout pregnancy, but a noticeable increase in lower back pain can be a sign that labor is approaching. This pain is often a result of the baby's position and the loosening of ligaments in preparation for childbirth.
3. Enhanced Nesting Instinct
A sudden burst of energy and the overwhelming desire to clean, organize, and get everything "just right" for the baby can indicate the body is gearing up for labor. This nesting instinct is nature's way of ensuring everything is prepared for the newborn's arrival.
4. Contractions Become Stronger and More Frequent
Contractions that become more regular, stronger, and closer together are a clear sign that labor is beginning. Unlike Braxton Hicks contractions, which are irregular and tend to fade away, real contractions persist and intensify.
5. The Mucus Plug is Discharged
The mucus plug, which seals the opening of the cervix during pregnancy, may come out in the form of a thick mucus discharge. This can happen days or hours before labor starts and is often a sign that the cervix is beginning to dilate.
6. Diarrhea
The body naturally clears out the digestive tract in preparation for labor, which can result in loose stools or diarrhea. While uncomfortable, this is a common sign that labor may be imminent.
7. Water Breaks
The rupture of the amniotic sac, commonly known as the water breaking, is one of the most definitive signs of labor. However, not all women experience a dramatic gush of water; for some, it may be a slow leak.
8. Cervical Dilation and Effacement
In the weeks or days leading up to labor, the cervix undergoes changes, becoming thinner (effacement) and opening (dilation). This process may be monitored by a healthcare provider during prenatal visits.
9. Increased Cramping and Pelvic Pressure
As the baby descends into the pelvis, expectant mothers may feel increased cramping and pressure in the pelvic area, similar to menstrual cramps. This can be a sign that labor is starting.
10. A Burst of Energy or Fatigue
Some women experience a sudden burst of energy, while others may feel unusually tired as labor approaches. This variation in energy levels is the body's way of preparing for the physical demands of childbirth.
Recognizing the signs of labor is crucial for expectant parents to prepare for the birthing process. While these signs can provide clues, it's important to remember that labor is a highly individual experience. If you suspect you're going into labor, contact your healthcare provider for guidance and support. As the countdown begins, take a moment to relax and prepare mentally for the life-changing journey ahead.